Designed to intuitively nurture, protect and enhance the health of your flowers while preserving the environment, MYKE FLOWER delivers the most out of gardening!
1 L Treats up to 32 plants
- Natural coarse granular carrier (perlite and peat) providing additional porosity to the soil.
- MYCORRHIZAE Type: endomycorrhizae
- For better results, be sure that the roots are in contact with MYKE.
- Store at room temperature between 2°C - 20°C and keep away from intense heat or freezing.
- When planting annuals and perennials in pots, flowerbeds and flower boxes.
Exceptions: Orchids, rhododendrons, carnations, kochias, alyssums, azaleas and lupins cannot be colonized by the fungus contained in MYKE FLOWER.